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Regardless of your financial goals, 1620 Investment Advisors can provide the guidance and service level that meets your needs. In all cases, we review with you your investment return goals and risk preferences, income needs, tax considerations, and other special circumstances. 


Our management services for individuals include:

Asset Allocation

The mix among stocks, bonds, cash, and other asset classes is a primary driver of investment returns and risk levels. At 1620, we help our clients identify the correct mix for their goals and circumstances, using our knowledge of historical asset class behavior combined with an assessment of current market conditions.


Stock Selection

Once the appropriate level of stock exposure is established, 1620 will structure a diversified portfolio of individual stocks with characteristics that reflect the client’s preference for income and/or growth. For income-oriented clients, our portfolios emphasize larger companies with proven records of dividend payment and attractive dividend yields. For growth-oriented clients, portfolios include smaller company stocks ($200 million to $5 billion in equity market capitalization) that are large enough to be well established, but small enough to be inefficiently priced and to offer superior growth prospects. Our equity portfolios are always well diversified, and particular attention is paid to stock valuation levels (i.e., we don’t like to overpay for growth or dividends).


Bond Selection

For many investors, owning individual bonds can be more efficient than a pooled vehicle (i.e. mutual fund). We can create a custom portfolio that gives the investor greater control of principal, yet at lower fee levels than a typical mutual fund expense ratio. We can structure taxable or non-taxable bond portfolios based on your needs and taxation levels.


Mutual Fund and ETF Selection

We monitor a wide variety of mutual fund and ETF (exchange traded fund) solutions and strive to utilize the most appropriate funds in constructing our clients' portfolios. Funds may be used to achieve exposure to asset classes and areas of the market that are not accessed by a client's core portfolio of individual securities (i.e. international markets, emerging markets, and certain segments of the bond market) or they may be used to develop portfolios for those clients where investing in individual securities may not be optimal. 

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